Thursday, January 31, 2013

Start with me..(A thing of past :P)

Hey everyone! I am so very sorry for this..I know I'm latee on this!
How could I not post this earlier..DAMN!! But friends it's never too late than I am drafting what,when and who made me fall into the habbit of blogging! :D
November 12,2012
New Delhi
 Finally I got to this page! I remember my teacher asking me to post a blog on some website (BLOGGERS.COM it was, though I have heard about this website before but had never worked on it.)
No ..this is not why I started with the blog...>>>
My habbit of scribbling on papers!! Yess!! A friend of mine suggested me to show off my writing skills without wasting inks and papers. And you are right! A digitized way of penning down what I feel..this is when I came up with the blog..
My journey of blog writing starts from here....
 I realized that my knowledge for blogs is very poor. However, I managed to find some basic information about this blog thing but got stuck at its homepage.
Duh! How can someone get stuck at a homepage? (Although somewhere in my mind I knew that this thing can happen only with me!) OK now I am going to ask you people if you have a Google account. I am sure most answers will be yes. On the contrary, with my case here, it was a big NO. Again I am going to attack myself. (sigh.) And that's the way how well I know myself.
Talking about the blog, I somehow managed with creating a Google account. But, choosing a subject for my first blog ever was no less than a test for me...Then, started the "Brainstorming Process".
My little brain started running to endless possible subjects. It was really tough to decide one out of those endless options. My good, I am superb with making decisions. With this I remember, whenever I go out for food, to a restaurant or a cafe (I mean, of course I don't stand on the middle of the roads asking for some food with open hand..all helpless) it takes me almost a  decade to decide what to have! You must have got how difficult it was for me to choose a subject for this blog thingy.
No doubt, it took me hours on deciding the brain scuttled here and there and finally I found myself writing the last few lines for my blog. THIS WAS IT!!
(Without even getting to know how this blog was finished, I ended up with an ACTUAL blog. Real struggling with my mind it was! )
BEWARE - You could find yourself too in this position!


  1. U write great darling...keep up t work... <3

  2. I thnk u fr this.u 've been so generous with your comments..:)
